Scannography | Photography | Digital collage
POWER BANK . The book spine of our holy book AlQuran AlKareem.
BLACK GOLD . Oud oil, a very expensive and thick perfume worn during special events.
SAMRI DANCER . This is long sequinned tulle dress. At today’s weddings only professional female dancers wear it, they usually hide half of their faces with the tulle while dancing; not every woman masters this classic dance.
SOCIAL NETWORK . Gahfiya, a cap worn by men under their Ghutras.
The coffee language .  An Arabic coffee cup, which you should jiggle to tell the barista you are thankful and done.
SOOR - THE GUARDS .  Palm tree leaves were joined together and used as fences around the houses or shields from the sun.
GENEROSITY UP TO DATE . In Dates season, Kuwaiti families distribute part of their crops to their relatives, neighbors and friends.


Photography, Summer 2019, SCAD
